Portland (Or.)Portland Development CommissionFishman Environmental Services2009-02-202009-02-202001-10-30https://hdl.handle.net/1794/8605http://www.pdc.us/pdf/pubs_general/fish_predation_study.pdf30 pp. Maps, charts, tables. Published October 30, 2001. Captured February 19, 2009.This report presents the goals, methods, results and conclusions of a study conducted in 1999 and 2000 on the potential relationship between the existence of a newly constructed floating walkway and the presence, abundance and relative level of predation on juvenile salmonids by fish-eating (piscivorous) fishes. The study was added as a condition of the federal permit authorizing construction of the floating walkway after the Nation Marine Fisheries Service expressed concern that the structure might attract predatory fishes. The floating walkway was completed in 1999 on the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon as part of the East Bank Riverfront Park project. [From the document]en-USLand use -- Oregon -- Portland -- PlanningWillamette River (Or.)Natural resources -- Oregon -- PortlandEcological surveys -- Oregon -- PortlandCity planning -- Oregon -- PortlandPortland : Eastbank Riverfront (phase I) floating walkway fish predation studyEastbank Riverfront (phase I) floating walkway fish predation study : Final report and data summary, 1999 and 2000 sampling seasonsBook