Portland (Or.)Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning2008-03-142008-03-142007-05http://www.portlandonline.com/planning/index.cfm?a=58822&c=34250https://hdl.handle.net/1794/5744228 pp. Includes maps and figures. Adopted January, 1998; updated May, 2007. Captured March 13, 2008.The Community Design Guidelines are grouped into three categories; Portland Personality, Pedestrian Emphasis and Project Design. Each guideline is accompanied by: background information, which explains the intent of the guideline; and some examples of ways the guideline may be accomplished. These examples are provided to stimulate the search for a good design, and are not recommended solutions. The examples may also include illustrations of different building types, locations and scales. [From the document]22875004 bytesapplication/pdfen-USUrban beautification -- OregonCommunity development -- Oregon -- PortlandPedestrian areas -- Oregon -- Portland -- PlanningLandscape design -- Oregon -- Portland -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- PortlandHistoric districts -- Conservation and restoration -- Oregon -- PortlandPortland : Community design guidelinesCommunity design guidelinesBook