Yamhill County (Or.)2009-08-242009-08-242009-04http://www.oregonshowcase.org/downloads/pdf/countyplans/FNL_Yamhill_MHMP_040109_urs.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/1794/9618620 pp. Maps, tables, appendices. Published April, 2009. Captured July 9. 2009.This 2009 Yamhill County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan update is intended to: include newly identified hazards affecting individual jurisdictions; provide a comprehensive risk assessment and vulnerability analysis; provide community based mitigation actions; identify funding sources; and include the incorporated jurisdictions within the county as part of the update. [From the Plan]en-USNatural disasters -- Oregon -- Yamhill County -- PlanningEmergency management -- Oregon -- Yamhill CountyEarthquake hazard analysis -- Oregon -- Yamhill CountySevere storms -- Oregon -- Yamhill County -- PlanningFloods -- Oregon -- Yamhill CountyWildfires -- Oregon -- Yamhill County -- Prevention and control -- PlanningYamhill County : Multi-jurisdictional natural hazard mitigation plan update (2009)Yamhill County multi-jurisdictional natural hazard mitigation planBook