Wozniak, Samuel S.2014-10-302014-10-302014-05https://hdl.handle.net/1794/1857659 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Environmental Studies and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Science, Spring 2014.In this thesis I analyze news article coverage of barred owl removal in northern spotted habitat. News coverage of the management reveals numerous misconceptions about ecological and management-based principles of barred owl removal. I identified and addressed the following three misconceptions in new articles: the failure to recognize the impact of barred owls on species other than the northern spotted owl, the assertion that barred owl removal is exorbitantly expensive and infeasible, and the expression that there is no hope for the recovery of the northern spotted owl. These misconceptions demonstrate that there is a large gap between the available information in government documents and scientific journal articles that is essential to forming a basic understanding of the issue, and the information described in news coverage. It is critical that the US Fish and Wildlife Service establish a more effective mode of communication with the media and public spheres in order to spread accurate information and gain positive views of environmental management.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Barred Owl RemovalNorthern Spotted OwlBarred OwlNorthwest Forest PlanEnvironmental ManagementNewsMediaAddressing Misconceptions in News Articles Covering the Removal of Barred Owls in Northern Spotted Owl HabitatThesis / Dissertation