Redmond (Or.)2008-03-252008-03-252008-03-11 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and diagrams. Public Review Draft, published March 11, 2008. Captured March 25, 2008.With expansion of the UGB, there became an immediate need to update all existing infrastructure master plans to determine necessary new public infrastructure facilities within the new 2,299 acre expansion areas. Given the variety in expertise required within each infrastructure element, three separate consultant teams were hired to prepare master plans, capital improvement plans, and SDC analysis for Transportation, Water, Wastewater, and Parks. Stakeholder committees were assembled to assist with decision making and process through preparation of the Transportation System Plan and Parks Master Plan. [From the Plan]9306792 bytesapplication/pdfen-USWater-supply -- Oregon -- RedmondStorm sewers -- Oregon -- RedmondSewage disposal -- Oregon -- RedmondSewerage -- Oregon -- RedmondTransportation -- Oregon -- Redmond -- PlanningParks -- Oregon -- Redmond -- PlanningRedmond : Public facilities planCity of Redmond public facilities plan : Buildout 2030Book