McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.)2008-05-222008-05-222008-03 pp. Figures, tables, map, and appendices. T 15 S, R 4 E; T 15 S, R 5 E; T 16 S, R 4 E; T 16 S, R 5 E. Captured April 16, 2008.Proposes to thin 2463 acres, yielding a gross estimate of 47.8 million board feet of wood products that would be sold over 3 years beginning in fiscal year 2008. The objectives would be to restore structural diversity in stem exclusion stands to enhance wildlife habitat, accelerate restoration of late-successional conditions for stands within riparian reserves, provide a sustainable supply of wood in support of the local and regional economy, restore "open oak savannah" stands where they were historically present, restore degraded roads infrastructure, improve the role of fire as a natural disturbance process in the ecosystem, and protect and maintain water quality and reduce hazardous fuel levels in the watershed for communities in the wildland-urban interfaces.12224100 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestForest thinning -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestWildlife habitat improvement -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestBridge thin project environmental assessmentEnvironmental assessment: Bridge thin projectOther