Slovic, PaulKunreuther, HowardMacGregor, Donald G.2017-06-142017-06-141996Kunreuther, H., Slovic, P., & MacGregor, D. (1996). Risk perception and trust: Challenges for facility siting. Risk Health, Safety & Environment, 7, 109-118. pagesThe challenges associated with siting new waste facilities revolve around perceptions of the health, safety and environmental risks by the different interested parties. This paper stresses the importance of establishing trust between the different parties as a prerequisite for a successful siting process. A facility siting credo emerging from a national workshop on siting may help engender trust by involving the public more directly in the decision process, addressing their concerns regarding risks and encouraging voluntary agreements in finding homes for these facilities.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USRisk managementRisk perceptionRisk perception and trust: Challenges for facility sitingArticle