Atkinson, Michael2012-06-132012-06-132012-06 p. Examining committee chair: Patricia DeweyMany performing arts organizations experience growth during their existence and many will decide to expand the organization physically with the addition of a performance space, the renovation of an existing performance space, or move into a new space. This is a daunting task for many small organizations but with some guidance, can be a great tool for expanding the organization. This project will be a compass for organizations asking “should we expand our performance space, buy a new space and renovate, build a new space, or continue with what we have?” Empty Space will explore the process of purchasing and renovating a space in order to give performing arts organizations the tools needed to make the big decision.en-USrights_reservedFacilitiesVenueRenovationMusicTheatreDanceArts facilitiesEmpty Space: Dreams of Expansion for Arts FacilitiesOther