McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.)2008-05-032008-05-032003-05 pp. Tables, appendices, and maps. T14S, R5E Sections 34-36 and T15S, R5E, Section 4. Captured April 26, 2007.Announces decision to implement Alternative B from project EA, using timber harvesting techniques, prescribed fire, and snag creation methods to approximate stand structures resulting from historic high security, stand-replacement fires and partial-stand replacement fires on 155 acres. Approximately 11.4 miles of existing permanent roads would receive maintenance to facilitate access for logging, and about 1 mile would be decommissioned.1547136 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestForest thinning -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestPrescribed burning -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestForest roads -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestTrapper project decision notice and finding of no significant impactDecision notice and finding of no significant impact: Trapper projectOther