Gordon, EllaSoper, Dave2024-06-172024-06-172022https://opentext.uoregon.edu/science-comics/chapter/seeking-the-structure-of-matter/https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2952212 page PDF and accompanying transcript (Word) with full image description.This hand drawn comic explains physicists' understanding of the fundamental particles that make up the universe. It focuses on scientists' quest to find evidence for the long theorized Higgs boson. Created in collaboration between undergraduate cartoonist Ella Gordon and UO researcher Dave Soper as part of the Science and Comics Initiative, read the comic online here: https://opentext.uoregon.edu/science-comics/chapter/seeking-the-structure-of-matter/enAll Rights Reserved.ComicsComics and cartoon studiesScience comicsScience communicationCERNHiggs bosonPhysicsFundamental particlesSeeking the Structure of MatterOther