Biancarosa, GinaGroff, Lillian2020-09-242020-09-242020-09-24 instruments have been created to measure the implementation fidelity of SWPBIS. The most recent of the measures is the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI), designed as a complete index of the fidelity of implementation across the three-tiered framework to guide planning, as a progress-monitoring tool to strengthen fidelity, and as a formative measure for tiers that are already being implemented. To date, there has not been a study conducted linking the TFI subscales to lower Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs). This study explored which factors within Tier 1 of the TFI correlate with a lower number of ODRs, and to what extent that relationship is dependent on whether the TFI was completed with or without an external coach. Participants were 1,008 (levels PreK-8) schools selected from an extant database chosen based on their completion of TFI data and the use of the SWIS data system. Results indicated little notable difference between correlations among the TFI variables and ODRs when accounting for the use of an external coach. The only notable result was that the TFI Team and Implementation scores were significantly and negatively correlated with ODRs, and when external coach presence was considered the relationship was only significant between Team scores and ODRs in the presence of an external coach.en-USAll Rights Reserved.FIdelityImplementationODRsSWPBISTFISchool Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TIF): A Predictor of Student OutcomesElectronic Thesis or Dissertation