Cortes, Diego2024-10-312024-10-312020-07 pagesEvery year, scholars add a significant quantity of academic production to the already long list of publications on the Colombian conflict. For this reason, the media anthropologist Alexander Fattal, author of Guerrilla Marketing: Counterinsurgency and Capitalism in Colombia, started his book’s introduction discussing his initial doubts about embracing another academic project on the political violence of that nation. The complexities he found at first glance around the Program for Humanitarian Attention to Demobilized, or PAHD, persuaded Fattal to pursue this academic project, resulting in the publication of one of the most awarded scholarships in the areas of Anthropology, Latin American Studies and Media Studies in 2018.en-USCreative Commons BYbook review, Colombia, capitalismBook Review: Guerrilla marketing counterinsurgency and capitalism in Colombia by A. L. Fattal, University of Chicago Press, 2018Article