Westra, Brian2010-07-122010-07-122002Westra, Brian(2002) 'HealthLinks: A ColdFusion Web Application', Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 7: 1, 63 — 881087-5301https://hdl.handle.net/1794/10486Also published as a chapter in Database-Driven Web Sites (ed: Kristin Antelman) The Haworth Information Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc., 2002, pp. 63-88.Libraries are beginning to use Web applications as they grapple with sites of increasing complexity, and the move of more user services to the Web. This article reviews the basic concepts of a Web application, and outlines some of the features of the HealthLinks Web application and site <http://healthlinks.washington.edu> at the University of Washington Health Science Libraries, and the transition from a Java-based application to ColdFusion.en-USColdfusionHealthLinksDatabase-drivenWeb sitesUniversity of Washington. Health Sciences Libraries and Information CenterJavaHealthLinks: A ColdFusion Web ApplicationArticle