Blue Mountain Ranger District (Or.)2008-06-232008-06-232003-01-03 pp. Tables, figures, maps, references, glossary, appendices, illus. "Analysis was performed on 49,4733 acres of the Davis, Placer, Vinegar, Tincup, Little Butte, Butte, Vincent, Little Boulder, Deerhorn and Granite Boulder subwatersheds and the tributaries to the Middle- Fork of the John Day River (Chapters 1-4 this document, see also Map A page 1 and Appendix E, Maps 1-31). The Middle Fork of the John Day River originates south of the North Fork of the John Day River in the Blue Mountains, and flows westerly for approximately 75 miles, then merges with the North Fork about 18 miles above Monument, Oregon. The analysis area is located about 25 air miles northeast of John Day, Oregon." Captured June 11, 2008.Provides a mid-scale review of 7 subwatersheds in the Middle Fork of the John Day River in supplement to Ecosystem Analysis at the Watershed Scale--Galena Watershed Analysis (1999). Describes the five alternatives of recommended actions for the Southeast Galena Restoration. Early season peak flows have been exacerbated by wildfire adjacent to the area, and has caused elevated stream temperatures during dry months when threatened species of fish depend upon cool water to spawn. Also, the habitat for wildlife has been deteriorating because overstocked, dense stands of trees have inhibited vegetation in the understory that once provided high quality forage for deer and elk. Actions considered include using heavy equipment within stream channels reversing adverse hydraulic and vegetation trends, riparian planting, prescribed harvest and fire, and road decommisioning, closing, and reconstruction.17484279 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Malheur National ForestChannels (Hydraulic engineering) -- Oregon -- Galena WatershedWatershed restoration -- Oregon -- Galena WatershedRevegetation -- Oregon -- Galena WatershedForest thinning -- Oregon -- Galena WatershedPrescribed burning -- Oregon -- Galena WatershedGalena Watershed analysis--Supplement 2002Ecosystem analysis: Mid-scale review of seven subwatersheds in the Middle Fork of the John Day River in supplement to ecosystem analysis at the watershed scale--Galena Watershed analysisOther