Nicols, John2007-09-192007-09-191975Historia, Bd. 24/1 (1975) 48-58 p.The following discussion will consist of three parts: I.) the alleged re-lationship between Antonia and Sejanus before 31, II.) the tradition thatstresses Antonia's importance in the fall of Sejanus, and III.) based on thecondusions of the first two sections, a reconstruction of the process bywhich Antonia became associated with the events of 31.It will here be argued that Antonia did not, in all probability, provideTiberius with the critical information about the intentions of Sejanus. Herimportance in the tradition is an invention of the Claudian and FlavianPeriods.210143 bytesapplication/pdfen-USAntonia and SejanusArticle