Mt. Hood National Forest (Agency : U.S.)2009-03-102009-03-102008-03 pp. Table. Located District-wide. Captured March 6, 2009.Announces decision proposing to precommercially thin approximately 5,774 acres of young, overstocked plantations. Approximately 1,028 acres are within riparian reserves. Within the riparian reserves, cut trees would be hand piled as needed, to help provide interim down woody structure. Units adjacent to streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, seeps and springs would have a 30-foot "no cut" buffer from the high water level.en-USLogging -- Oregon -- Mount Hood National ForestForest thinning -- Oregon -- Mount Hood National ForestForest management -- Oregon -- Mount Hood National ForestPrecommercial thinning decision memoDecision memo: Precommercial thinningOther