Zettler-Mann, Aaron2019-06-262019-06-262019https://hdl.handle.net/1794/24742https://doi.org/10.7264/z5p7-c357Contains README file, and data in three formats: georeferenced orthophotographs, videos and csv files.This data set contains three data types. The majority of the data here are the individual photographs used to build the Structure-from-Motion models of the gravel bars used in the study. The photos for each gravel bar are saved in a separate folder. In addition, there are a series of folders which contain the imagery used to produce maps of water surface roughness. There is also tabular data that was generated from the single-beam echo sounder which recorded depth.enCreative Commons BY-NC 4.0-USfluvial geomorphologyhydrologyStructure-from-Motion processgeoreferenced orthophotographsGravel bar analysisparticle size distributionsPhotography and field data used for hydrogeomorphic analysis of the Rogue River in southwest Oregon, USADataset0000-0002-5450-5763