Watts, Maya2024-08-052024-08-052024-08-05https://hdl.handle.net/1794/29671Back row: George von Dassow, Mia Bloom, Christopher Roden, Emerald Burnett, Trish Mace, Laura Screen, Aldwin Ndhlovu, Ryan McCarthy, Maya Watts Second row: Christina Ellison, Maddy Rusk, Tessa Marquez, Sof Fox, Emily Geier, Marty McCamant, Adriana Diaz, Michelle Wallace, Sarah Elden, Richard Emlet with Mia Front row: Sandy Nelson with Koa, Doris Munson, Keli Trudeau, Avery Calhoun, Lauren Rice, Samantha Persad, McKenzie Lepley, Riley RimrodtBack row: George von Dassow, Mia Bloom, Christopher Roden, Emerald Burnett, Trish Mace, Laura Screen, Aldwin Ndhlovu, Ryan McCarthy, Maya Watts Second row: Christina Ellison, Maddy Rusk, Tessa Marquez, Sof Fox, Emily Geier, Marty McCamant, Adriana Diaz, Michelle Wallace, Sarah Elden, Richard Emlet with Mia Front row: Sandy Nelson with Koa, Doris Munson, Keli Trudeau, Avery Calhoun, Lauren Rice, Samantha Persad, McKenzie Lepley, Riley RimrodtCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USOIMB Fall Term Photo 2022OIMB Fall Term Photo 2022Image