Coronado, Maria CamilaFeinberg, StephenFretz, MarkKwok, AlisonGotlin, AlexandraGreenheck, RileyLee, JeanPfeifer, NatalieSeely, JohnSteeves, NatassjiaVan Den Wymelenberg, Kevin2023-06-142023-06-142021 pagesThis document outlines, catalogs, and summarizes a framework of literature that highlights the impact of school of facilities and classroom environments on student engagement and learning. The NetZED Laboratory at the University of Oregon commenced this project following a Request for Proposals from the California School Facilities Research Initiative (CSFRI) which sought to identify elements of the built environment of K–12 schools that result in higher levels of student engagement and learning. CSFRI’s goal was to summarize existing literature regarding the effects that physical organizational environments and furnishings within classrooms, makerspaces, laboratories, and interior ancillary facilities, as well as space at the exterior of the building that contribute to student engagement and learning. The overall intent of this white paper is to draw upon published evidence and original research to support the design planning and process for facility planners/managers, architects, educator, and community members who will seek funding to renovate and build new schools in California. With learning and engagement at the center, we developed a diagram of relationships of the school’s physical environment that includes three categories: indoor environment, spatial environment, and the people/community in relation to the school and classrooms. The review initially captured more than 750 peer-reviewed papers, reports, dissertations, books and literature reviews using framework, key word searches, and relevancy criteria, and stored through shared referencing software (Mendeley). Approximately 500 publications were selected to become an annotated bibliography and form the basis for this white paper. The review included studies from around the world, though most studies are applicable to conditions in the U.S.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USindoor environmental qualityspatial environmentpeople and communityThe Impact of School Facilities on Student Learning and EngagementWorking Paper