Angelo Eaton & AssociatesOregon. Dept. of TransportationKittelson & AssociatesHood River (Or.)David Evans and Associates2006-08-182006-08-182003-08-28 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps and figures included. Adopted June 1999; last amended August 28, 2003; captured August 10, 2006.This Transportation Systems Plan (TSP) will guide the management of existing transportation facilities and the design and implementation of transportation facilities for the next 20 years. This transportation system plan constitutes the transportation element of the city's comprehensive plan and satisfies the requirements of the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule. [From the Plan]12542325 bytesapplication/pdfen-USUrban transportation -- Oregon -- PlanningLocal transit -- Oregon -- Hood RiverPedestrian areas -- Oregon -- Hood River -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- Hood RiverCentral business districts -- Oregon -- Hood RiverBicycle trails -- Oregon -- Hood River -- PlanningLand use -- Oregon -- Hood River -- PlanningTransportation -- Oregon -- Hood River -- PlanningHood River : Transportation system planCity of Hood River transportation system planBook