South Zone Ranger District (Or.)2008-05-202008-05-202003-06-26 pp. Tables, maps, references, glossary, and appendices. Township 14 South, Range 10 and 11 West; and Township 15 South, Range 10 and 11 West. Captured February 25, 2008.Proposes to place up to 750 large conifer trees up to 36 inches in diameter at breast height in streams throughout the Yachats watershed, removing culverts and fills from two abandoned roads; and in the Beaver Creek area, noncommercial thinning two acres of a conifer plantation, releasing 5 acres of conifer from alder competition, and removing landfill.1182205 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Siuslaw National ForestWatershed management -- Oregon -- Siuslaw National ForestFish habitat improvement -- Oregon -- Siuslaw National ForestYachats aquatic restoration project preliminary analysisPreliminary analysis: Yachats aquatic restoration projectOther