Crescent Ranger District (Or.)2008-08-252008-08-252001-01 pp. Table. Big Marsh Creek and the upper reaches of the Little Deschutes River are located approximately 60 miles south of Bend, Oregon, and approximately 12 to 14 miles southwest of Crescent, Oregon, in Klamath County. May 31, 2007.Plan provides guidelines for two new management areas, one for each river corridor. Aims to protect and enhance the resource values which contribute to the current character of the rivers, and to maintain the current character with an emphasis on identifying and rehabilitating degraded resources. Decision notice announces implementation of Alternative 2 of the project EA, applying the goals, objectives, standards, and guidelines found in River Plan for each respective river.167614 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestWild and scenic rivers -- Oregon -- ManagementBig Marsh Creek and the Little Deschutes River wild and scenic rivers management plan, decision notice, and finding of no significant impactWild and scenic rivers management plan, decision notice and finding of no significant impact: Big Marsh Creek and the Little Deschutes RiverOther