Tallman, J. Woodson2023-05-092023-05-091942-06https://hdl.handle.net/1794/28285439 pagesBecause it would be impossible in a thesis such as this to cover the entire story of expropriation in the detail necessary, this study places emphasis on presenting the all-important background. It is a story of the oil, peons and their masters, administrators who gave their country's riches over to imperialistic foreigners, of a people's attempt to keep their sovereignty and bring these riches under their control, and of the oil companies' battle to exploit, without regulations and taxes, what they had secured and spent large sums to develop.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USseepages and intrusionsPoza RicaTehuantepecThe Background of the Expropriation of Oil in MexicoThesis / Dissertation