Regenstreif, Claire2022-05-032022-05-032022-05-0337 J. Env’t. L. & Litig. 2491049-0280 pagesAgriculture has always played a huge role in the American economy and way of life. Many laws today illustrate the singular importance of the agriculture industry and the government’s willingness to create legal carve-outs for agriculture. This Article focuses on two significant examples of agricultural exceptionalism as it applies to animal agriculture specifically. First, it explores state ag-gag laws, which facilitate and protect rampant unsound practices within the animal agriculture industry. Second, this Article explores federal law exempting animal agriculture facilities from greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting requirements that apply to other industries. These two examples illustrate a deeply rooted and pervasive approach to the agriculture industry.en-USAll Rights Reserved.AgricultureEnvironmental lawEnvironmental Protection AgencyEnvironmental regulationAnimal Agricultural Exceptionalism in the 21st CenturyArticle