Sherwood (Or.)DKS Associates2007-05-222007-05-222005-03-15 pp. Bookmarks modified by UO. Maps, charts and figures included. Adopted March 15, 2005. Captured January 8, 2007.This Sherwood Transportation System Plan (TSP) identifies projects and programs needed to support the CityĆ¢ s Goals and Policies and to serve planned growth over the next 20 years. This document presents the investments and priorities for the Pedestrian, Bicycle, Transit, and Motor Vehicle systems along with new transportation programs to correct existing shortfalls and enhance critical services. For each travel mode, a Master Plan project map and list are identified to support the cityĆ¢ s transportation goals and policies. The most critical elements of these Master Plans are referred to as Action Plans. The final chapter identifies the estimated plan costs and makes recommendations about potential new funding sources to support the plan. [From the Plan]18387724 bytesapplication/pdfen-USBicycle trails -- Oregon -- Sherwood -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- SherwoodPedestrian areas -- Oregon -- Sherwood -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- SherwoodLocal transit -- Oregon -- SherwoodTransportation -- Oregon -- Sherwood -- PlanningLand use -- Oregon -- Sherwood -- PlanningCentral business districts -- Oregon -- SherwoodSherwood : Transportation system planTransportation system plan : Sherwood, OregonBook