Adams, Frederick C.2024-09-042024-09-041952-06 pagesLeisure time for most people has increased tremendously in recent years. The whole economy of our life today has meant fewer hours at work and more leisure for all who toil. What is being done with this leisure time? We have been so busy increasing our technological efficiency that we, as people, do not know how to employ leisure time profitably. Not knowing how to play, we have substituted commercial amusement and entertainment for self-expression in recreational activities. Recreation authorities emphasize the idea that mere entertainment, while it has its place, cannot alone solve the problem of what to do during leisure. We must not spend all our leisure time being entertained. Real satisfaction and complete happiness come from doing, not watching. People need to do for themselves rather than having everything done for them, as is the case when they are merely spectators. Until a person has done something himself, with his head and hands, for the sheer love of doing, he has missed one of the most valuable experiences in life. To create and build is life, and this means self-expression.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USUO theses and dissertations are provided for research and educational purposes and may be under copyright by the author or the author’s heirs. Please contact us <> with any questions or comments. In your email, please be sure to include the URL and title of the specific items of your recreationleisureleisure timeentertainmentGresham, OregonA Survey of Community Recreation in Gresham, OregonThesis / Dissertation