Walla Walla Ranger District (Wash.)2008-06-242008-06-242001-10https://hdl.handle.net/1794/6669249 pp. Tables, figures, references, maps, appendices, illus. "The analysis area lies within the Upper Grande Ronde (UGR) Watershed (the main stem and all its tributaries upstream of Rondowa), which is one of three subdivisions of the Upper Grande Ronde Subbasin (Figure 1-1, Map Appendix). The analysis area includes two small HUC-5 watersheds, Phillips/Willow Creek (# 84) and Gordon Creek (#07). Eleven subwatersheds are recognized in this analysis, two in the Gordon Creek drainage and nine in Phillips/Willow Creek drainage (Figure 1-2, Map Appendix; Table 1-1)." Date of vegetation analysis is September 2000. Captured June 18, 2008.Vegetation analysis considers various treatment recommendations, including salvage of dead trees, planting, thinning, improvement cutting in stands where the early-seral species still exist, forest regeneration on dry-forest sites where early-seral species no longer exist, understory removal/thinning, pruning, and prescribed fire. Ecosystem analysis recommendations list priority subwatersheds, enhancement of minor forest species, prescribed fire, road system upgrades to improve water quality, riparian revegetation, introduction of woody debris and fish passage restoration, noxious weed control, and maintenance or restoration of late/old forest structure.4228781 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Watershed management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Vegetation management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Phillips-Gordon ecosystem analysis and Upland forest vegetation analysisEcosystem analysis and Upland forest vegetation analysis: Phillips-GordonOther