United States. Bureau of Land Management. Salem District2009-01-012009-01-012008-06https://hdl.handle.net/1794/821117 pp. Tables, maps. Township 10 South, Range 5 West, Sections 19 and 29, Township 10 South, Range 6 West, Section 22. Captured July 8, 2008.The selected action will include prescribed broadcast burning applied to two areas totaling about 280 acres. In preparation for prescribed broadcast burning, brush and nonmerchantable trees will be felled within planned burn areas, where cutting has not previously occurred or there is an additional need due to re-growth. Control lines will consist of Roads #10-5-20.1, 10-5-20, 10-6-14, and Pit Road and handlines constructed along the property boundaries connecting roads. Burning will be conducted in the spring or fall during periods of vegetation dormancy. Prescribed broadcast burning intensity will be sufficient to reduce understory shrub layers, reduce thatch, and improve conditions for the germination and growth of native species.en-USHabitat conservation -- Oregon -- Salem RegionPrescribed burning -- Oregon -- Salem RegionPublic lands -- Oregon -- Salem RegionMaxfield Creek density management project 1 upland habitat restoration final decision and decision rationaleFinal decision and decision rationale for Maxfield Creek density management project 1 upland habitat restorationOther