Spivey, Meg2023-09-122023-09-122023-08https://hdl.handle.net/1794/28886This terminal project consists of a description PDF file (4 pages), a contents PDF file (4 pages), four channel audio recordings, and one stereo audio recording.Composed in three sections, “I used to...” explores the tension between my past and present self. It is a reflection on growth, stagnation, and how we can perceive ourselves through past identities and grieve for them. Composed in three sections, the piece slowly transitions from the abstract to the concrete, with more voice added to the sonic field in each section. The phrase of “I used to…” is repeated throughout and grows more insistent towards the end of the piece. Sound material used for “I used to…” includes original recordings of cello and voice. It was composed in four channels using the Kyma sound design environment.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USKyma sound design environmentabstract artcelloidentityI used to...Terminal Project