Wilsonville (Or.)MIG, Inc.2007-10-022007-10-022006-07http://www.ci.wilsonville.or.us/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=400https://hdl.handle.net/1794/5072226 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published July, 2006. Captured October 2, 2007.The ideal park system will provide an array of park sites with amenities and facilities appropriate to the unique culture of their surroundings. The result of this Master Plan is a park system that is uniquely Wilsonville’s, one that provides the kind of parks and recreation experiences that the community desires. The City envisions a comprehensive and interrelated system of parks, recreation, and natural areas, that offers a range of experiences, including active and passive recreation, for all ages and abilities; contributes to a healthy and livable community; conserves and educates about the natural environment; and promotes community connectivity by linking parks, recreation facilities, schools, and other key community centers by trails, pathways, and public transit. [From the Plan]13654910 bytesapplication/pdfen-USCity planning -- Oregon -- WilsonvilleParks -- Oregon -- Wilsonville -- PlanningRecreation areas -- Oregon -- Wilsonville -- PlanningWilsonville : Draft parks and recreation master planCity of Wilsonville in Oregon draft parks and recreation master planBook