Boekeloo, Molly2020-07-022020-07-022020-07-0135 J. Envtl. L. & Litig. 3391049-0280 pagesBorder walls have long been a source of division among citizens of any nation. While national security is important, many question whether a wall would, in fact, enhance national protection. In the United States, the proposed border wall between the United States and Mexico has been the subject of many dinner table conversations and continues to plague our media. Few of these conversations and media outlets, however, have considered the impact this wall might have on wildlife and the implications of such impact. While man-made infrastructure has existed since the dawn of civilization, this Article seeks to explore and analyze the impact a wall might have on wildlife and vegetation. Additionally, this Article seeks to analyze the legality of the wall in terms of immigration, state law, and federal law.enAll Rights Reserved.Wildlife protectionMigrationEnvironmental protectionNational securityThe Mexican-American Border Wall: Aftermath for AnimalsArticle