Lara, Ana-MaurineUnno, MarkMossberg, BarbaraDaniel, Dagny2022-07-122022-07-122022 project seeks to identify the ways in which Queer Muslims construct the ‘self’ both within and outside of religious contexts — through identifying my participants’ behavioral differences and similarities in religious, family, and friend circles, my research seeks to address the dynamic ways in which these specific identities intersect and create new modes of being. This project also aimed to provide young Queer Muslim individuals in the United States an academic platform from which to share their own lived experiences and to contribute more greatly to the interwoven story of all people.en-USCC BY-NC-ND 4.0QueerMuslimLGBTQUnited StatesAnthropologyMUSLIM AND LGBTQ INTERSECTIONALITY IN THE UNITED STATESThesis/Dissertation0000-0001-5237-3245