Farsi, TannazGutnik, Anastasiya2023-07-102023-07-102023-06https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2852120 pagesI always wanted to carry my mother’s family name Vodonos, which translates to water bearer in Russian. Harkening back to generations that came before me, the name traces the labor of walking which provided this essential life-force, water, for loved ones. My thesis work, Memory of Returns is a migration story integrating human and nonhuman journeys. It is a meandering three-channel video installation, exploring embodied ways of coming to know place through layered imagery and non-linear narrative and the question, what if it were possible to tap into latent bodily memories, previous vocations?enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USpost-anthropocentrismecofeminismmigration storymemory and ancestral wisdomMemory of ReturnsThesis / Dissertation0009-0007-5519-0111