Washington County (Or.). Office of Community DevelopmentWashington County (Or.)Beaverton (Or.)2009-02-162009-02-162008-03-11https://hdl.handle.net/1794/8540http://www.co.washington.or.us/deptmts/comm_dev/plan08/finplan8.pdf160 pp. OCR and bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, tables, appendices. Draft published March 11, 2008. Captured February 8, 2009.Each funded project addresses a priority need and specific objectives set forth in Washington County's 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan. Washington County expects projects assisted with 2008 CDBG, HOME, ESG and ADDI funds (including program income) to benefit altogether a total of three community housing development organizations, 512 housing units, and 12,819 low- and moderate-income persons. As part of providing services to the persons mentioned above, four public facilities will be renovated, acquired or constructed. Some of the CDBG projects span multiple program years. The accomplishments identified for low and moderate-income persons may not be fully realized in this fiscal year but over a two or three-year time period. [From the Plan]en-USHousing policy -- Oregon -- BeavertonLow-income housing -- Oregon -- Washington CountyLow-income housing -- Oregon -- BeavertonHousing policy -- Oregon -- Washington CountyRegional planning -- Oregon -- Washington CountyWashington County : Draft 2008 Action planDraft 2008 Action plan : 2005-2010 consolidated planBook