Berg, RudyBriscoe, JohnBrown, G. Z.Elliot, MikeGay, PatrickKellett, RonaldMitchell, BretPierce, SamRapp, RichardWilson, Richa2019-03-082019-03-081994-12 pagesThe Demonstration House project seeks to show that a house built of Stressed Skin Insulating Core (SSIC) panel construction can provide equal energy performance, yet cost $2000 less than an "architecturally equivalent" conventionally framed Reference House which meets stringent Long Term Super Good Cents energy standards (a glossary of terms and phrases is given in Section 8.0; details of the Bonneville Power Administration Super Good Cents Program are given in Appendix 9.1). This report summarizes the first two phases of design work toward the construction of an SSIC panel Demonstration House, as part of the Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing research project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. Phase I includes the research work through May, 1992 to design and evaluate a prototype house to meet project goals; Phase II continues that work (another cycle of design and evaluation) through April, 1993. The final stage of design and evaluation prior to construction -Phase III -is described in a subsequent report.Articleen-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USSSIC Panel Demonstration House: Phase I - First Design & Phase II - Second DesignArticle