Tualatin (Or.)2014-04-022014-04-022010-08-30https://hdl.handle.net/1794/1546322 pp. Adopted 2010-08-30. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted AmendmentThis Plan Map Amendment changes the Planning District Designation of one parcel of land from Single-Family Residential (RL) to Medium-Low Density Residential (RML). The parcel is the west portion of Tax Map 2S123DD, Tax lot 500 (Tualatin Gardens Lots 36 & 37) located at 19945 SW Boones Ferry Road. The subject property is approximately 7.3 acres in size. Approximately 0.29 acres of SW Sagert Street ROW will also be designated RML.en-USPublic DomainLand UseTualatin Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-08-30)Adopted Plan