Wood, Jonathan Andrew2016-10-252016-10-252016-06https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2039537 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Mathematics and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Science, Spring 2016.In papers by J.A. Green and R.-C. Renaud indecomposable modules of cyclic groups of prime power order are studied through the use of tensor products, as well as the characters on these modules. In this paper I will exhibit two decompositions, one for the product of any two indecomposable modules as a sum, and another for any single module as a product of basis elements. This will allow for easy computation of the character known as the Frobenius Perron dimension.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USMathTensor productCyclic GroupModular representationCharacteristic PGreen ringGrothendiek RingCalculations of Tensor Products Over Modular Representations in Characteristic PThesis / Dissertation