Dreyer, Lindsay Judith2020-09-292020-09-292020https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2573950 pagesIn this thesis, I use the research of Elizabeth Sawyer, Inger Damsholt, and Stephanie Jordan to identify the origins of my current thoughts on choreomusical relationships in dance work premiering in the last half-century. From their ideas, I propose “concurrence” as a term capable of describing the relationship between dance and music in these works as two equal elements creating a unique common end. I then analyze works by Damien Jalet, Amanda K. Miller, and Alice Klock, three choreographers who approach choreomusical relationships with this method. Through these analyses, I illustrate how “concurrence” can be applied in multiple ways to describe a number of choreomusical relationships.en-USChoreomusicologyMusicChoreomusicalDanceElizabeth SawyerStephanie JordanInger DamsholtConcurrence: A Twenty-First Century Choreomusical ModelThesis/Dissertation