Sisters Ranger District (Or.)2008-08-112008-08-112001-10-01 pp. Appendix, map. The project area is located approximately 16 miles northwest of Sisters along US Highway 20 (Township 13 South, Range 8 East) in Jefferson County, Oregon. Captured May 25, 2007.Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, responding to the high mortality caused by the spruce budworm by thinning some 170,000 board feet of green trees on approximately 630 acres of forest stands where removal of dead trees was previously approved under the Santiam Late Successional Reserve Restoration EA (1998). Includes mostly ground-based thinning and salvage, with open areas replanted as needed to ponderosa pine, Douglas fir and western larch to establish long lived, fire-resistant species.317761 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestForest thinning -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestReforestation -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestWestern spruce budworm -- Control -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestBugs thinning project decision notice and finding of no significant impactDecision notice and finding of no significant impact: Bugs thinning projectOther