Rowland, John2005-06-142005-06-142005-06 p. A THESIS Presented to the Department of Economics and the Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science, June 2005.A print copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: SCA Archiv Storage Rowland 2005This paper evaluates the employment effects of the 1996 initiative to raise minimum wages in Oregon. It exploits geographical wage variation at the county and MSA levels in order to estimate the relationship between the proportion “low paid” in a given area and the change in both the employment rate and total employment after the 1997-99 minimum wage increases. No evidence is found to indicate that the minimum wage increases produced adverse employment effects.1123840 bytesapplication/msworden-USEconomicsMinimum wage -- OregonOregonTHE EMPLOYMENT EFFECTS OF THE OREGON 1997-99 MINIMUM WAGE INCREASES: ESTIMATION THROUGH GEOGRAPHICAL WAGE VARIATIONThesis