Dieckmann, Nathan F.Gregory, RobinSatterfield, TerreMayorga, MarcusSlovic, Paul2022-01-062022-01-062021-04-22https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2696910 pagesSocial scientists and community advocates have expressed con- cerns that many social and cultural impacts important to citizens are given insufficient weight by decision makers in public policy decision-making. In two large cross-sectional surveys, we exam- ined public perceptions of a range of social, cultural, health, eco- nomic, and environmental impacts. Findings suggest that valued impacts are perceived through an initial lens that highlights both tangibility (how difficult it is to understand, observe, and make changes to an impact) and scope (how broadly an impact applies). Valued impacts thought to be less tangible and narrower in scope were perceived to have less support by both decision makers and the public. Nearly every valued impact was perceived to have more support from the public than from decision makers, with the exception of three economic considerations (revenues, profits, and costs). The results also demonstrate that many valued impacts do not fit neatly into the single-category distinctions typically used as part of impact assessments and cost–benefit analyses. We pro- vide recommendations for practitioners and suggest ways that these results can foster improvements to the quality and defensi- bility of risk and impact assessments.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USCharacterizing public perceptions of social and cultural impacts in policy decisionsArticle