Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592Bear, Risa Stephanie, 1949-Harrison, G. B. (George Bagshawe), 1894-19912007-07-172007-07-172007-07-14 pp. Note on the e-text: this Renascence Edition was transcribed, July 2007, by Risa Bear, from Robert Greene. A notable discovery of coosnage. 1591. The second part of conny-catching. 1592. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co. London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd. (The Bodley Head Quartos) 1923. T.P.: A/Notable Discouery of Coosnage,/Now daily practised by sundry lewd per-/sons, called Connie-catchers, and/Crosse-biters./Plainely laying open those pernitious sleights that hath brought many igno-/rant men to confusion./Written for the general benefit of all Gentlemen, Citizens, Aprentises, Countrey Farmers/and yeomen, that may hap to fall into the company of such coosening companions./With a delightfull discourse of the coosnage of colliers./Nascimur pro patria. By R. Greene, Maister of Arts./3/LONDON/Printed by Iohn Wolfe for T.N. and are to be sold ouer/against the great South doore of Paules. 1591.94896 bytestext/htmlA Notable Discouery of Coosnage...A Notable Discouery of Coosnage. Now daily practised by sundry lewd persons, called Connie-catchers, and Crosse-biters ...Book