Schumm, Katie M.2008-06-122008-06-122008-06 p. Examining committee chair: Dr. Lori HagerCommunity-based programs for youth are currently gaining a significant amount of attention from researchers and practitioners across a variety of fields and disciplines. One type of community-based arts program for youth that has not been explored within the literature is the residential youth arts camp. The purpose of this master’s project will be to describe residential youth arts camps in the United States. Using an extensive literature review, document analysis, a cross-sectional questionnaire, and in-depth interviews, the project will attempt to create a framework for understanding youth arts camps as a body of practice, including goals, programming, participant populations, and instructor qualifications.5294240 bytesapplication/pdfen-USCommunity-based artsYouth campsOrganized campsSummer campsPositive youth developmentOutdoor educationArts educationArts and youthCampsCommunity artsArt in the Outdoors: Developing a Framework to Describe Community-based Residential Youth Arts CampsOther