South Zone Ranger District (Or.)2008-05-162008-05-162002 pp. Tables, references, glossary, appendices, and maps. Township 17 South, Range 9, 10, and 11 West; Township 18 South, Range 9, 10, and 11 West; and Township 19 South, Range 9, 10, and 11 West. Captured February 15, 2008.Proposes a package of two separate restoration actions: one, focusing on terrestrial restoration by maintaining stand health and growth, enhancing stand structure and diversity in plantations now 25 to 51 years-old; the second focusing on watershed restoration by closing and decommissioning roads, placing large conifer trees up to 36 inches in diameter at breast height in streams, and thinning and planting trees in riparian areas.2239499 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Siuslaw National ForestWatershed restoration -- Oregon -- Siuslaw National ForestForest ecology -- Oregon -- Siuslaw River WatershedForest roads -- Oregon -- Siuslaw National ForestLower Siuslaw landscape management project environmental assessmentEnvironmental assessment: Lower Siuslaw landscape management projectOther