Sidky, Aziz2023-05-292023-05-291948-06 pagesA city serves different functions, but the common function that is found needed in every city is to offer safe, efficient and comfortable shelters and homes for its inhabitants, There is no doubt that this objective has been scarcely reached, and that was the result of improper planning. The main objective of this study is to make a research of this problem through studying the city as a whole, and finding out how a proper solution can be identified. This study is the basis that is going to be taken into consideration in the development of a program for a "Workingmen City" to be designed in Cairo, Egypt, This city will be a residential city for the workers in the factories in Cairo, It will be a city of 6000 units, and the necessary services. The choice of the site and the development of the requirements and the program will be an application of the conclusions and ideas that will be reached through this study. There is one point that should be noticed, that cities are for the people, so the satisfaction of their needs is what we should plan for. This necessitates the study of the individuals for whom we are planning and through finding out what they should have, an efficient and successful planning can be reached. In this respect all the factors that are influencing the individuals for whom we are planning should be studied. The social, religious, climatic, financial, traditional and even historic conditions are to be considered, and only by this way can we ever be able to know what we ought to do.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USland useDetroit EastsideA Workingmen City in Cairo, EgyptThesis / Dissertation