Smith, BrianEl Demery, Mostafa2024-08-072024-08-072024-08-07 use of temporal-mode encoding for quantum information science has gained interest due to its robustness to environmental perturbation and suitability for integrated photonics. Temporal-mode transformations, analogous to interferometric networks for spatial-mode encoding, form the basis of many quantum information protocols utilizing temporal-mode encoding. Accurate and efficient characterization of temporal-mode transformations is essential to ensure precise manipulation of quantum information encoded in the temporal modes of light. This dissertation presents a method to determine the temporal-mode transformation of a device by means of spectral interferometry. We demonstrate the feasibility of the method to extract the temporal mode transformation from a suitable set of measurements and set constraints on experimental parameters for achieving characterization. We anticipate that this approach to assess temporal-mode transformations will be applicable to a broad range of systems being pursued in quantum information applications.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Optical CharacterizationQuantum Pulse GatesSpectral InterferometryTemporal ModesCharacterization of Temporal-Mode Transformations via Spectral InterferometryElectronic Thesis or Dissertation