Crumb, Lawrence N.2023-08-022023-08-022023 pagesThomas Fielding Scott was the Episcopal Church’s first bishop in the Pacific Northwest. He served for only thirteen years (1854-1867) and left thinking he had been a failure. But despite his feeling of failure, there were many successes, all the more remarkable because of the difficult conditions that included staffing, financial support, and primitive means of transportation. The story of Bishop Scott is the story of a missionary who was sent to a new field without adequate support and yet was able to make significant accomplishments.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USScott, Thomas Fielding, 1807-1867Episcopal Church, OregonEpiscopal Church, WashingtonEpiscopal Church, historyTHOMAS FIELDING SCOTT: PIONEER BISHOP OF THE AMERICAN NORTHWESTArticle