Portland (Or.)Portland Parks and RecreationPortland (Or.). Bureau of Environmental Services2007-11-022007-11-022005-11http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/index.cfm?a=151128&c=43291https://hdl.handle.net/1794/518347 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published December, 2005. Captured October 31, 2007.The Master Plan for Errol Heights Park outlines a long-term vision for the park and includes policies and development concepts. The plan also is intended to guide the preparation of detailed design and construction drawings, once funding is secured. In general, the plan focuses on the the site's natural resources while providing recreational opportunities that are needed in the city--particularly in SE Portland. [From the Plan]648864 bytesapplication/pdfen-USCity planning -- Oregon -- PortlandLand use -- Oregon -- Portland -- PlanningParks -- Oregon -- Portland -- PlanningNatural areas -- Oregon -- Portland -- PlanningErrol Heights Park (Portland, Or.)Portland : Errol Heights master planErrol Heights master planBook