Caballero, Kathryn2022-05-032022-05-032022-05-0337 J. Env’t. L. & Litig. 11049-0280 pagesThe link between air pollution and poor public health is well known and has been further documented during the COVID-19 pandemic,but EPA has outdated methods and rules to detect air emissions. Enforcing existing environmental regulations presents challenges because the detection and monitoring technologies identified in the regulations, or the regulation language itself, may not sufficiently identify environmental pollution, let alone complex environmental fraud.This Article recommends that all stakeholders work together to propose new detection methods and remedial technologies that EPA may use to collect evidence for enforcement actions and to resolve noncompliance.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Environmental Protection AgencyEPAClean Air ActEnvironmental lawEnvironmental protectionPreventing Emissions from Slipping Through the Cracks: How Collaboration on New Technologies to Detect Violations and Minimize Emissions Can Efficiently Enforce Existing Clean Air Act RegulationsArticle