Multnomah County (Or.)Multnomah County (Or.). Dept. of Business and Community Services2007-11-212007-11-212005-01 pp. Bookmarks suppied by UO. Published January 2005. Captured November 5, 2007.The Multnomah County Land Use and Transportation Program has established a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) process. This process follows the guidelines established in the County Comprehensive Framework Plan: Physical Support System Policies. The objective of the Capital Improvement Plan is to identify and set priorities for road, bicycle, pedestrian, culvert (fish passage), bridge projects, and related improvements necessary to maintain and enhance the County transportation system. [From the Plan]3017467 bytesapplication/pdfen-USUrban transportation -- Oregon -- Multnomah County -- PlanningTransportation -- Oregon -- Multnomah County -- PlanningLand use -- Oregon -- Multnomah County -- PlanningRegional planning -- Oregon -- Multnomah CountyFishes -- Conservation -- Oregon -- Multnomah CountyMultnomah County : Fiscal years 2005-2009 transportation capital improvement plan and programFiscal years 2005-2009 transportation capital improvement plan and programBook